Nirnaya Sindhu Marathi Pdf Free Free 18
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Nirnaya Sindhu: A Classic Text on Hindu Law and Rituals in Marathi
Nirnaya Sindhu (àààààà ààààà) is a Sanskrit text on Hindu law and rituals written by Kamalakar Bhatta (àààààà àààà) in the 17th century. It is considered as one of the authoritative works on dharmaÅÄstra (ààààààààààà), the science of moral and religious duties. The text covers various topics such as daily rites, festivals, ceremonies, vows, penances, donations, pilgrimage, astrology, etc. It also provides rules and guidelines for different castes, stages of life, and situations.
The text is divided into two parts: Purva Khanda (àªàààൠàààà) and Uttara Khanda (ààààà àààà). The Purva Khanda consists of 18 chapters and deals with general principles and practices of Hindu law and rituals. The Uttara Khanda consists of 16 chapters and deals with specific topics such as marriage, inheritance, adoption, etc.
The text is written in a concise and clear style, using various sources and authorities to support its arguments. It also contains examples, stories, and anecdotes to illustrate its points. The text is widely respected and consulted by scholars and practitioners of Hindu law and rituals.
The text has been translated into various languages such as Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, Telugu, etc. The Marathi translation was done by Kamalakar Bhatta himself and is available online for free download[^1^]. The Marathi translation follows the original Sanskrit text closely and preserves its meaning and spirit. It also contains notes and explanations to clarify difficult terms and concepts.
Nirnaya Sindhu is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the Hindu law and rituals. It is also a testament to the rich and diverse tradition of dharmaÅÄstra in India.
One of the main features of Nirnaya Sindhu is its use of various sources and authorities to support its arguments. The text cites and quotes from many scriptures, smritis, puranas, dharmasutras, commentaries, digests, etc. Some of the prominent sources that the text relies on are Manu Smriti, Yajnavalkya Smriti, Parashara Smriti, Vishnu Smriti, Harita Smriti, Gautama Dharmasutra, Baudhayana Dharmasutra, Apastamba Dharmasutra, Vasishtha Dharmasutra, etc. The text also refers to the opinions of various scholars and teachers such as Medhatithi, Vijnaneshvara, Mitakshara, Apararka, Hemadri, etc.
The text also contains many examples, stories, and anecdotes to illustrate its points and to make it more interesting and engaging for the readers. Some of the stories are taken from the epics and puranas such as Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavata Purana, etc. Some of the stories are based on historical events and personalities such as King Vikramaditya, King Bhoja, King Harshavardhana, etc. Some of the stories are fictional or hypothetical scenarios that show the application of the rules and guidelines in different situations.
The text is not only a source of information but also a source of inspiration and guidance for the readers. The text encourages the readers to follow the path of dharma (righteousness) and to perform their duties according to their varna (caste) and ashrama (stage of life). The text also warns the readers about the consequences of adharma (unrighteousness) and the punishments that await them in this life and after death. The text also provides remedies and solutions for various sins and faults that one may commit knowingly or unknowingly. aa16f39245